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RSUC 09 Registration
The Regional SharePoint Users Conference (RSUC) will be held on June 26th and 27th, 2009 (Friday and Saturday) from 7AM to 5PM at:
Holliday Inn Washington Dulles
45425 Holiday Drive
Dulles, VA 20166
Among the confirmed speakers:
- Ed Hild
- Dux Raymond Sy
- Linc Williams
- Joan Muschamp
- Mike DeCarlo
- Zach Wahl
The cost is $299 before May 29th, and $375 after that. Click here to register for the conference…
Seating is limited so don’t wait!
The schedule of speakers will be available on this page as we firm up our schedule.
We have reserved a block of 20 rooms for the special rate of $89 per night. Click here to reserve a hotel room…
or call the hotel directly at 703-480-7441 and ask for Group Rate “SHP”.
Microsoft Tech Days
A 24 Hour Virtual Event on April 1st, 2009. For more information click below:
SPTechCon: The SharePoint Technology Conference Boston!
For three exciting days, you’ll be eating, drinking, sleeping, talking and living Microsoft Office SharePoint Server and Windows SharePoint Services. The first day at SPTechCon Boston is filled with intense full and half-day workshops, half in the morning, half in the afternoon. The next two days are filled with more than 50 break-out classes to choose from. Build your own custom program!
For more information, visit their web site at http://www.sptechcon.com/
Free software!
Frank Grimberg of Prosoft Systems made a nice presentation in February showing off his Excel to SharePoint data integration tool called EBAX, and he has offered to let our group get it for free from his web site at: http://shop.prosoft-sys.com/ebaxforsharepointserverlicense-1.aspx. This tool allows you to download lists from SharePoint into Excel, then modify/append the data and push it back into SharePoint with a single click.